Massage &
Caring for Transfer Sites
Fat Transfers require more consistent massaging. Make sure to massage every hour for 15 minutes. Massage each side evenly. Avoid sitting for at least 30 days (BBL) and avoid sleeping on your stomach (breast augmentation) or buttocks (BBL). Avoid underwire bras and compression clothing that could reduce circulation.
Health &
Drink a lot of water throughout the day (at least a gallon/day). Walk at least 1 mile every day. Around 24 hours after your procedure, shower and use your hands to drain your sites. Remember to wear your compression garment at all times for 2 weeks to a month after your procedure.
Massage is one critical element to our post-op treatment. Please click on the link to find videos, information, and tutorials on how to massage yourself.
You should be massaging yourself 3 times per day.